Sunday, November 27, 2005

What does...

... the expression "Kiss of Death" mean to you?

It could be the thoughts going through a 7 year old's mind when greeted by his/her 85 year old grandmother. It could mean the first sign that something is coming to an end, like when your favorite sitcom adds in a "new" child-actor.

Or, you could take it quite literally. To wit.

There is a joke out there about his nuts, but I'm not gonna do it.

I do wonder if it is enough to make a 15 year old boy realize that he is a homo.


Blogger Spider said...

Oh come on, tell the joke...

I guess nut allergies are more serious than I think - several years ago I was flying Delta somewhere, I am sure I went through Atlanta, don't you ALWAYS, but when snacky time came, I got my drink but not my nuts - I was told I could have them as I exited the plane - the boy in the row ahead of me had a nut allergy - even to nut dust (don't go there) in the air - so those of us in the rows directly in front and behind him did not get them...

Being the smart ass that I am,I reminded the sky whore (I can call them that, I have several friends who are flight attendants) that the air in a plane was RECIRCULATED and that if someone in the front of the cabin had nut dust (I told you NOT to go there) that the nut dust would go all over the plane...

Needless to say, I was not offered my nuts as I exited, nor did I get the "bye-bye" as I left either...

11/27/2005 9:14 AM  
Blogger Mike said...


You said "nut dust".


11/27/2005 9:17 AM  

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