Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Sometime in the last few days (my guess? yesterday) I went over 20,000 visitors.

I guess that's what happens when you are AWOL.

Thanks to all of you. I promise to be better. It's those demons that I am fighting.
Speaking of that post, I have to return to the doctor tomorrow. Obviously, I didn't get the phone call which only means one thing. My Viral Load went up, and I will be taking the Genotype test again. I had this done in 2000, finding out that I was resistant to many of the older HIV drugs (of the time). This was mainly because I'd taken most of them, either for a long time, or for a short time and couldn't handle the side affects.

Of course, in 2000, many new drugs or drug combinations had come out, so I was switched to them. This would lead to the Great HIV Drug Holiday that would give birth to this blog.


Blogger Bigg said...

I will be hoping that your doctor's visit brings you good news instead of bad.

7/13/2006 11:06 AM  
Blogger Nick Moretti said...

Congrats on the blog hits!
Sorry you didn't get the best news from the doc. There are so many things they can do to get you to respond to drugs that you've become resistant to in the past. Don't panic. It will work out. ;-)

7/13/2006 11:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Let us know how things turn out... am thinking about you...

7/13/2006 3:58 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

If there are things that they can do, R.J., someone needs to let the VA know.

Gods, but I wish I could quit them. But the thought of starting all over again with new doctors does not appeal to me.

7/13/2006 7:25 PM  

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